The Secret Ingredient Your Website is Missing

Mar 05, 2022

In 2022, the days of having a traditional website are no more. Thanks to the infusion of the social media revolution and brands becoming more personal, customers are now looking for much more than your typical contact information. As a matter of fact, they want to hear your story. 

Being able to effectively tell your brand’s story can be the difference maker in creating new revenue for your business. Which is why it’s important that you ensure your website is properly depicting your brand and story to the masses. Below are 4 key actions that your website should be encouraging your customers to take.

1. Click

It sounds simple, but far too many view their business’ website as if it’s a brochure, being designed to idly sit and only be read. But, here’s a secret: we don’t want visitors to just read your information, we want them to be inspired, then funneled into “taking action” and eventually converted into customers!

2. Optin / Subscribe

You might not realize this, but the top tools you currently have at your disposal to inspire a potential customer to take action are presenting your brand and telling your story. Think of it like this, your brand is the story that your market believes about the products, expertise, and value you offer.

3. Contact 

Not to be overlooked, your brand’s story must show your potential customers why you’re different, why your products and services can help them and properly convey your subject matter expertise and value. Doing so will help you overcome the objections the customer may be experiencing and create a new sale. 

4. Buy 

If you want your potential customers to convert into new business, it’s important that you don’t overwhelm them with a heavy 10 page website that’s loaded with unnecessary information that sends them into confusion and not taking action. We recommend implementing a single page funnel that tells your brand’s story with a beginning, middle and end, and is designed to convert visitors and organically move them into the sales process. Ultimately helping them make the decision to choose your services over others!

Ensuring your business’s website effectively encourages your potential customers to complete the steps above just might be the secret revenue ingredient you’ve been missing! If you would like to learn more about how to tell your brand’s story and create your next revenue breakthrough, be sure to contact us today!