4 Ways To Attract Customers Using Display Ads

Apr 02, 2023

This blog is focused on 4 Ways to Attract Customers Using Display Ads.

Display ads have become an increasingly important part of digital marketing and have revolutionised the way businesses market themselves. By using display ads, businesses are able to capture the attention of their customers, build brand awareness and reach specific audiences in an effective and cost-efficient manner. 

Display ads are typically web-based static or animated images or videos that are used to promote products or services. The use of imagery within display ads is crucial for grabbing the attention of potential customers and making them remember your brand. By utilising powerful visuals, targeted marketing and pixels, businesses can capitalise on the immense power of display ads and make their advertising efforts more efficient and successful. 

If you are looking for the right strategy and targeting options for increasing your online presence and gain more customers, ultimately leading to more success, our 10x retargeting strategy is your best bet.

Some of the ways of maximising your reach using display ads include:

1. Remarketing

This technique is used to reach out to customers who have previously interacted with your business or website. It is a powerful marketing tool that allows businesses to target customers who have already shown interest in their products or services. Remarketing does this by displaying ads to potential customers who have visited the company’s website in the past.

This works by displaying ads to customers who have previously visited the company’s website. When a customer visits the website and leaves without making a purchase, they will then start to see ads from the company while they browse the internet — now they will have a friendly reminder of the product or service they looked at while they were on the site.

The main benefit of remarketing is that it increases the conversion rate of potential customers. Since customers are already familiar with the company’s product and services, it’s more likely that they’ll purchase when presented with an advertisement. Remarketing is also cost-effective, allowing businesses to target website visitors without having to spend a lot of money on advertising. Remarketing provides businesses with valuable insights into customer behavior, allowing them to create a better overall customer experience.

2. Interest Targeting

Interest targeting is a powerful marketing strategy that utilizes data from user activity across the web to target potential customers. This type of targeting allows you to target your advertisements to those who have already shown interest in a similar product or service. 

In today’s online world, interest targeting allows companies to be more targeted and efficient in their advertising campaigns. Rather than relying on demographic information or other forms of audience segmentation, interest targeting enables targeting ads to those who have already visited sites related to a similar product or service. By doing so, companies can save time and effort by targeting only those with an interest in their product, who are likely to be more likely to convert. 

Interest targeting can be used in a variety of ways. For example, it can be used to target those who have recently visited a competitor’s website, allowing for competitor comparison advertising. It can also be used to target those who have visited a product page on another website, allowing for direct, product-specific advertising. Furthermore, interest targeting can be used to target those who have visited a blog post or other article related to the product, allowing for less intrusive advertising and greater potential engagement. 

Overall, interest targeting is an effective way for companies to target potential customers and generate leads. With the right data and targeting strategy, companies can zero in on their target audience and maximize return on investment. Interest targeting is an invaluable tool for today’s digital marketers, allowing for more targeted and efficient digital marketing campaigns.

3. Demographic Targeting

Demographic targeting with regards to display ads is when 

 organizational marketers segment their target audiences by using demographic data points. Demographic targeting is used to create targeted ads that are conducive to the interests and needs of a specific target demographic. This type of marketing technique can be used for both online and offline marketing efforts, and allows for highly targeted campaigns. 

Demographic targeting has become an increasingly popular and efficient way for companies to target their ads. By using demographic targeting, businesses can optimize their campaigns and customize their ad creative to better fit their target audience. The use of demographic targeting allows companies to increase their focus on a specific target audience which could result in better ROI, since each target audience is being shown content that is more relevant to them. 

When it comes to demographic targeting, businesses have various categories they can use to segment their target audiences, such as age, gender, ethnicity, household income and location. Companies can also use a combination of several demographic data points to create more specific target audiences and better customize their ad creative. 

Using demographic targeting for display ads can also be beneficial for businesses because it can help them prevent their target audiences from seeing ads that are inappropriate for their demographic. For example, an advertiser can ensure that their ads will not be shown to children, or to people outside of their target audience’s geographic region. 

In general, demographic targeting is an effective way for businesses to better customize their campaigns and target their desired audiences more specifically. Through the use of demographic data points, businesses can create customized ad creative that is relevant to their target audiences and prevent inappropriate ads being shown to their target audience. Through the use of demographic targeting, businesses can optimize their campaigns and increase their ROI.

4. Customer Match

Marketing mix is a powerful tool utilized by businesses to maximize their reach and generate sales. In today's digital landscape, a key component of the marketing mix is video. Video ads have become an integral part of the marketing mix, empowering brands to create captivating campaigns to reach more customers. According to recent studies, nearly 92% of B2B clients rely on video ads to make purchase decisions. 

Video ads provide businesses with the opportunity to engage with their target audiences in a more interactive way. Instead of relying on written content, video ads can provide customers with a visual experience, conveying the message of a brand in a more effective way. Video ads can also reach a wider audience, reaching people across different platforms and devices. This allows brands to ensure that their message is reaching their desired audiences and making a lasting impression.

Video ads are also great for building brand awareness. With the right creative, video ads can help to build brand recognition and reach new potential customers. Furthermore, videos can be shared quickly and easily, meaning that the message of a brand can spread quickly and reach large numbers of people. 

When creating video ads, businesses should keep in mind the key components of any successful ad. These include strong visuals, a clear and concise message, and a compelling call to action. Also, when creating video ads, businesses should consider the platforms they are utilizing. Each platform may provide different opportunities for engagement, such as interactive features, call-to-actions, and more. 

Altogether video is a key component of the marketing mix. With nearly 92% of B2B clients relying on video ads to make purchase decisions, businesses should leverage video to reach new customers and create engaging content. When creating video ads, businesses should keep in mind the key components of any successful ad, as well as the platforms they are utilizing. With the right creative, businesses can build brand recognition and reach more customers.

In conclusion, display ads are an effective way of promoting your marketing campaigns and reaching the right audience. By utilizing powerful visuals, targeted marketing and pixels, businesses can capitalize on the immense power of display ads and make their advertising efforts more efficient and successful.Display Ads

If you’re ready to realize your marketing objectives sooner than you can imagine, contact us to start reaching more customers today!